
Value partners


Vëllazëria Ungjillore e Shipërisë (VUSH)

VUSH is the Evangelical Alliance of Albania. The “Evangelical brotherhood” represents all Protestant organizations; its status is equal to that of the Catholic and Orthodox churches.


Evangelische Allianz Deutschland (EAD)

The Alliance is an association of committed Christians. We share its values and take part in the annual conferences.


Diakonisches Werk Mecklenburg-Vorpommern

As a Diakonie member, we are part of a large social network whose identity is service to people. This integration is a signal of the trustworthiness of our work.

Cooperation partners


Bashkia Pogradec

One example of our partnership with Albanian municipalities is the city of Pogradec. We work together in areas such as social affairs, education and development.


Christlicher Hilfsverein Wismar e.V. (CHW)

CHW is the founder of Diakonia Albania. The association has been working in Albania since 1992; the DA was founded in 2012 as the legal body responsible for the social projects.


City of Ohrid

We also work together with the North Macedonian city at the northern end of Lake Ohrid, e.g. on aid transports, tourism and community initiatives.


Gospel of Christ Church, Tirana

Pastor Akil Pano’s congregation supports the church work in the Mokra villages. Volunteers take part in various missions.


Deutsche Humanitäre Hilfe Nagold (DHHN)

DHHN transports relief supplies to Eastern Europe. Several times a year, a truck brings relief supplies to our Pogradec warehouse; distribution is carried out by Diakonia.


Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung (KAS)

We work together with the KAS office in Tirana to support municipalities in Albania, e.g. through seminars for employees of our partner municipalities.

Project funding

Deutsche Botschaft Tirana

German Embassy, Tirana

With funding from the German Embassy, we have renovated schools and kindergartens in Albania in recent years.


Kirchenkreis Mecklenburg

The region of the Evangelical Lutheran Church supports our church commitment and the children’s center in Bishnica.


Stiftung Nord-Süd-Brücken

The foundation supports projects of East German associations in the Global South, e.g. tree planting or cooperation between Diakonia Albania and the municipality of Gramsh.


Senior Expert Service

As part of the SES, retired experts pass on their specialist knowledge, e.g. Hermann Kircher during his involvement in the Children’s Center at Bishnica.

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